Probably issued, like all the mastiffs, from the Epirus and the Roman Empire molosses, relative of the Bulldog of Great Britain, the Alans (tribe of the Middle Age), the mastiffs and small type mastiffs of France, the bulldog we know is the product of different crossings done by enthusiastic breeders in the popular quarters of Paris in the years 1880.
During that period, the Bulldog being a dog belonging to butchers and coachmen of « les Halles » (market place), he soon knew how to conquer the high society and the artistic world by his particular appearance and character. He then rapidly propagated himself.
As a type it is a small sized molossian. Powerful dog for its small size, short, compact in all its proportions, smooth-coated, with a short face, a snub nose, erect ears and a naturally short tail. The dog must have appearance of an active animal, intelligent, very muscular, of a compact build with a solid bone structure.
These dogs are sociable, lively, playful, sporty, keen. They are particularly affectionate towards their masters and children.
The head must be very strong, broad and square, the skin of the head forming almost symmetrical folds and wrinkles. The head of the bulldog is characterized by a contraction of the maxillary-nasal part; the skull has taken up in width that which it has lost in length.
- Uniformly fawn, brindled or not, or with limited patching (pied) • Fawn brindled or not, with medium or predominant patching.
All the fawn shades are admitted, from the red to light brown (café au lait) colour. The entirely white dogs are classified in « brindled fawn with predominant white patching ». When a dog has a very dark nose, dark eyes with dark eyelids and certain depigmentation of the face may exceptionally be tolerated in very beautiful subjects.
The weight must not be below 8 kg or over 14 kg for a bulldog in good condition, size being in proportion with the weight.
Any deviation from the foregoing points should be considered as fault. The seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree and its effect on the health and welfare of the dog.
- Nose tightly closed or pinched and chronic snorer • Lips not joining in the front • Depigmentation of the lips • Light eyes • Dewlap • Tail carried high, or too long or abnormally short • Loose elbows • Straight hock or placed forward • Incorrect movement • Coat (hair) too long • Speckled coat
- Incisors visible when mouth closed • Tongue visible when mouth closed • Stiff beating movement of the forelegs • Pink spots on the face, except in the case of brindled fawns with medium white patching (« caille ») and fawns with limited or predominant white patching. (« fauve ») • Excessive or insufficient weight